
Setting out services

The purchase of our Robotic Total Station used for our setting out works was made possible through a Small Equipment Grant received through Herefordshire Council.

The station allows us to accurately set out HD bolts, grid lines, foundations generally by taking your CAD drawing and inputting it directly into our specialist software. We are also able to carry out survey work and provide a 3D dxf file of our survey which can be built on straight away in your own CAD software.

The robotic total station has been part funded £8,1999.21 by the England European regional development fund as part of the European structural and investment funds growth programme 2014-2020. The Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local government (and in London the intermediate body greater London authority) is the managing authority for European Regional Development fund. Established by the European Union, the European Regional development fund helps local areas stimulate their economic development by investing in projects which will support innovation, businesses, create jobs and local community regenerations. For more information visit https://www.gov.uk/european-growth-funding

Midlands Engine
The government is committed to making the Midlands an Engine for Growth in the UK, increasing economic growth and improving the quality of life for everyone. The Midlands is home to over 10 million people and over 780,000 businesses. Its economy is worth £217.7 billion.
Alongside over €750 million of European Regional Development Fund support for businesses and communities across the Midlands, the government has awarded £1.9 billion in three rounds of Growth Deals.
To gain wider promotion, enlisting the help of Local Enterprise Partnerships and other local partners who support the development and promotion of ERDF projects would be encouraged. Collaborate with these partners to maximise the reach and impact of ERDF-funded projects.

Please contact your Programme Manager, or the MHCLG Growth Delivery Team for more information